1) Jog : in one place for 3 minutes
2) Jumping jacks: 25 repeats
When landing, bend your knees slightly to reduce the impact on knee joints.3) Crunches : 15 repeats
Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands behind your head with elbows pointing outwards. Support your neck with your hands. Keep your neck in a straight line with your spine. Flex your waist to raise the upper torso from the mat. Lower yourself until the back of your shoulders touches the mat.Muscle worked: rectus abdominis
4) Hip Bridges : 10 repeats
Lie on your back. With your hands at a 90 degree angle to the floor, lift your body off the floor to form a straight line, a sort of a bridge, from the shoulders to the knee. The position should resemble a table … your hands and legs as the legs of the table and your upper body to your knees as the surface.Hold this position for two seconds. Squeeze your gluteus (butt muscles) and then lower yourself.
Muscle worked: Lower back, hamstrings and gluteus.
5) Step – up’s : 1 minute
You will need a stepper for this.Muscle worked: hamstrings, gluteus, quards.
6) Reverse crunches: 15 repeats
Lie on your back with your hands on your sides. Keep you knees bent. Bring your knees towards your head, till your hips come slightly off the floor. Hold this position for a second, and then lower your knees.Muscle worked: lower abs and obliques.
7) Mountain climbers : 1 minute
Get your hands and knees and raise your knees like a starting block sprinter. Run in that position, supporting your upper body with the palms of your hands. Keep your back straight.Muscle worked: triceps, deltoid muscle, gluteus, quards, hamstrings, calves.
8) Push –
ups : 15 repeatsMuscle worked: triceps, deltoids, pectorals.
9) Squat thrusts: 1 minute
Muscle worked: arms, legs, chest, and lower back.
Cool down by walking around, till your heart rate starts getting back to normal, stretch.
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