Liver disease is the Seventh killer of American people.
Here is a list of symptoms that you will have when your liver is not working like it should.
- Frequent headache not related to stress, eyestrain, or shoulder muscle tension.
- Frequent menstrual problems.
- Blurry vision or red eyes.
- Constant bitter taste in mouth.
- Excessive anger, depression or moodiness.
- Tenderness in the liver area - just under your right rib cage.
- Acne, psoriasis, eczema, rashes, and other skin problems.
- Weakness in your muscles and joint areas.
So what can you do if you feel that you have some liver weakness?
The first area to work on is to examine the types of fats and oils you eat and make the changes that will give you better liver health.
Saturated fats, such as found in butter, meat, lard, and other oils are highly susceptible to oxygen damage through the process called oxidation. When these fats are oxidized they become rancid and form free radicals.
But Saturated fats are not the only fats that can be oxidized. Even unsaturated fats, the good oils, can be oxidized. Still it is better to eat most of our fats unsaturated since saturated fats are associated with heart conditions.
Liver cells are highly susceptible to free radicals. These free radicals are destructive to liver cell walls and weaken the health of the liver over time.
Also, Scientists have found that 17% of the oxygen you breathe and have available in your body becomes a free radical. These free radicals, again, attack and destroy liver cells.
To counter eating free radicals and the free radicals that are created in your body, you need to take anti-oxidant supplements and eat fruits and vegetables. The yellow and red colored fruits and vegetables are the highest in anti-oxidants. Of course it is best to also limit eating fried food and not use oils that have been sitting around to long.
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