A weight lifting bar is made up of an extended cylindrical bar that is surrounded by a revolving sleeve with a shorter length than slid bar. The accessory of bar made up of a sleeve that slides on top of the end, portions depending on the plate hanger. A bar that supports weight while extending at right angles is said to be a lifting bar and the lower portion is said as plate hanger.
Weights are mounted on each side of plate hanger, given weights that have holes in the center for easy sliding engagement and clamping is done to hold it tight. The weights is slid directly into the end of weight lifting bar to make it into a straight weight lifting bar.
There several important tips, which should be followed to safely lift a bar, off the floor. Certain exercises require you to lift the bar from the floor just to the front of thigh and some other exercise require to lift the bar up to the shoulder in two bar movements. Such exercises should be done in the presence of a trainer.
Although this type of exercise is dangerous and risky, a single wrong step can cause dangerous accident while lifting the bars. There are many multi functional bars available in market, which can be used for different exercise.
Hence weight lifting bar play an important role in the field of weight lifting.
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