Is stress affecting your weight loss battle?
1. Practice waiting.
2. Keep a food journal of what you eat each day.
Knowing you have to write down every snack or nibble can be a good way to remind yourself to think before eating.
3. Enlist a friend's help -
ideally one who also is tempted by stress-related cravings. When you feel like eating, write him/her a quick note or make a phone call.
4. Keep yourself nourished.
Eat regular, healthy snacks to maintain your energy level. Skipping meals while under stress only prompts you to eat more, and unhealthily, when you do get around to eating.
5. Post some reminder messages wherever you're likely to see them when stress-related cravings begin.
Use any message that works for you. Examples might be "Are you really hungry?" or "Think about why you're eating."
6. Physically remove tempting food items from your home or office.
Never go shopping while hungry and always make a list of food items prior to shopping; bring home only what you feel good about eating. 
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