What Hypertension Means To You?

 What Hypertension Means To You?

What Is hypertension?

The trouble with high blood pressure today is it is so common and talked about so often that many people don't seem to treat it with the respect it merits. High blood pressure or hypertension is a killer and should be dealt with as a killer.

Numerous scientists and doctors have spent a large amount of time, money and effort seeking to define what is a honest definition of Hypertension.

There have been large amounts of human population studies done on this subject which have generated to the doctors and scientists a broad range of blood pressure rates. Nevertheless the findings are usually skewed and the results differ from nation to nation and even from region to region within a specific country. Hence it's been resolved that the definition of hypertension can only be arrived at through perpetual observation and experimentation.

Normal blood pressure is distinguished in a similar way to a normal body weight. This is the point at which the heart and other important procedures of the body such as the circulatory system are able to keep going under the best conditions without running the chance of heart disease and other associated disorders.

There are other circumstances to be taken into account when defining high blood pressure or hypertension and some have to be omitted. For example if a healthy individual was to be shook up, their systolic blood pressure can be anticipated to climb by as much as fifty percent. This is due to their blood flow increased in reply to their extreme worked up excitement or any type of lively exercise. All the same it doesn't stay high for long, since once the level of excitement has declined, the blood pressure also comes down to its normal level.

One way of recognizing this as a normal response is to look at the diastolic reading of the blood pressure. If it doesn't climb but stays steady throughout, it can be safely said this blood pressure is inside normal limits.

As the diastolic pressure is the more significant of the two readings, it is a superior guide to determining whether a high reading is a false positive or not. The reason the diastolic pressure is the most significant is because it reflects the state of the person's arterioles. If an individual has a high reading, this signifies their arterioles are narrowed with the channels less free flowing than they should be.

An individual with a blood pressure reading of 170/110 or above will in all likelihood experience serious headaches, fatigue or dizzy spells. If somebody suffers with a blood pressure which reads 230/130, then they are highly likely to get life-threatening medical problems such as heart disease or stroke.   

Hypertension is not a disease in itself, but an important standard by which doctors can name or foretell other illnesses. High blood pressure cannot be healed as such, but it can be well controlled.

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