About Anxiety and Suicide!


Anxiety and Suicide.

Anxiety disorders affect millions of people across the country, and one of the most dangerous things about these disorders is that they can lead to thoughts of suicide if left untreated. If you are currently having thoughts of suicide, even on an occasional basis, ask for help. You can do this by calling a doctor or just talking to friends and family members who may be able to help you. Anxiety disorders are not the end of your life—you can overcome them.

If you’re having thoughts of suicide, there is nothing other people can do to make you feel better about yourself. However, they can give you the tools needed to do that. Lots of people kill themselves every year using suicidal methods like hanging, shooting, cutting, and overdosing, but these deaths are a real shame, since every single person has value in the community. You may feel hopeless right now, but there are people who can show you how to feel better. Although it is very difficult to deal with anxiety, others have gone through the same thing and can teach you methods for overcoming.

Call 9-1-1 or your local suicide hotline immediately if you are having thoughts of injuring yourself, for whatever reason. You are not alone in this ordeal, or else these phone lines would not exist. You can call anonymously in order to simply talk to someone about your problems. There is no pressure to do or not do anything—it is simply a tool to talk to someone and hear new ideas.

Pain and sadness is normal in every single person’s life, although many people hide it very well. However, if you find that your anxiety disorder is causing too much pain for you to bear, you can do one of two things: work to reduce the pain or work to increase your skills and resources for dealing with the pain. Although you may feel alone right now, millions of people are getting the help they need and living happy lives.

If nothing else, take some time to think about things. Even if you’ve had a horrible day, give yourself a few hours or days or even weeks to make a decision on ending your life. In that time, consider all of the options available to you and think about the other people your suicide will hurt. Suicide is not the answer to relief from pain in most cases, so by truly examining your feelings, you can work towards happier days.

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