How PDD-NOS is Diagnosed ?

How PDD-NOS is Diagnosed ?

PDD-NOS is a diagnosis given when a child does not meet all the criteria for Autism, but they show several of the signs. PDD-NOS or Persuasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified is diagnosed with several different types of assessments. We will look at these different types of assessments needed for PDD-NOS.

Medical Assessment.

The medical assessment will examine the child completely to rule out any  health conditions that could be causing the symptoms the child is experiencing. Some health conditions can cause similar symptoms as those in Persuasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

Educational Assessment.

The child will be tested in several different educational areas. They will be assessed on what skills they have appropriate for their age. They will be assessed on daily living skills. These skills include dressing, bathing, eating, etc. These skills can be assessed by testing, or interviewing the parents, and teachers.

Interviews with Child's Parents, Teachers.

Children with Persuasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified can have different symptoms at different times or places. Interviewing the child's parents and teachers gives a better picture of the child. A child in school is with the teachers for several hours a day. They can add very important information to the child's assessment. The same can be said for anyone that spends a lot of time with the child. This might be a daycare provider, or grandma.

 Psychological Assessment.

The child will be assessed by a Psychologist to rule out any mental disorders that could be causing the problems. The child will be examined for delays in several areas like cognitive, or social. They will be evaluated for anxiety, or problems with depression.

Behaviour Observation Assessment.

The doctor assessing the child for PDD-NOS might want to observe the child in a natural setting. This can be done in the child's home. This gives the doctor a better view of symptoms a child is having. They can see how the child acts with their family.

Communication Assessment.

The child will have their communication skills tested. This will be done with testing and by talking to the child's parents. The child will be assessed for their ability to understand others, and their ability to use their words. The doctor will want to know if the child understands body language, and facial expressions.

Occupational Assessment.

The occupational  assessment will check how well the child can use their fine motor skills. They will also check for any sensory issues the child may be dealing with. An example of a sensory issue would be a child that only likes certain textures. This can make choosing clothing difficult.

After all of the assessments are complete the team will meet and decide if the child has met the criteria for a diagnosis of Persuasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. If the child is found to have PDD-NOS a treatment plan will be created. Getting treatment for the child is very important. The treatments can help a child with Persuasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified to be able to communicate better. They can learn how to act in social settings. Overall treatment can make their life easier.

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